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TestroVax Reviews - What Is It?

Eric Lander

WARNING: DO NOT BUY TestroVax Until You Read This Review!
Is it a Scam? Does It Really Work? Check Ingredients, Side Effects and More!

Low testosterone is a widely spread problem among men of all ages nowadays. Low testosterone is associated with constant fatigue, weight gain, lowered metabolism and hair loss. The market is full of different products which claim to raise the level of this important male hormone. TestroVax is one of them. It is said to contain a proprietary blend of components designed to raise testosterone levels. This product is sold by Novex Biotech. It seems srtange but the same company offers another equivalent product called Growth Factor-9.

The product has an official website that lacks information about the ingredients and adverse reactions of the supplement. According to the official website, the formula can be used by bodybuilders and athletes to form lean muscles or develop muscle mass. TestroVax is sold only on its website. The product promises to boost testosterone levels in a natural way, as well as to boost your libido, increase lean muscle mass, and increase energy levels. Does TestroVax formula really work? Let us try to answer this question in the next parts of this review.

Ingredients of TestroVax - Does It Really Work? Is It a Scam?

TestroVax is said to contain a proprietary blend of the next ingredients. Aspartic acid is one of the most substances used by fitness companies because it promises elevating of testosterone levels in males. However, the studies are inconclusive. Besides, this testosterone rise is usually temporary and lasts no longer than 30 days. For this reason, it is recommended to take testosterone boosters in cycles with breaks.


Fenugreek extract has been used by humans for a long time, but only recently it has become one of the ingredients in testosterone-boosting products. No studies have proven that this component really increases testosterone levels but fenugreek boosts glucose utilization. Grape (seed/skin) extract is another antioxidant that plays an important role in cleansing the body from waste products but it has nothing to do with testosterone increase. L-arginine boosts the production of nitric oxide as well as blood flow. Reseratrol extract is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.

Rhodiola rosea extract is grown in northern and Asia Siberia. It is known for its ability to reduce cortisol, the stress hormone. It is unknown how it influences the production of testosterone. Red clover powder is said to be beneficial for human health, but there is no clinical evidence of its effectiveness, especially in terms of testosterone levels. Licorice powder is proven to decrease testosterone which has been proven by a number of studies. This compound inhibits serum testosterone.

Damiana extract possesses aphrodisiac properties and can theoretically boost libido. But it does not change your hormone levels. Taurine is an amino acid that can be found in different pre-workout formulas. It decreases cortisol levels but there is no evidence that it truly can increase testosterone production. Withania somnifera extract has an ability to create the inner sense of calmness and well-being. It may help you to fight anxiety but has nothing to do with testosterone boosting abilities. Schizonepeta powder is an ancient remedy for the treatment of cold in China. TestroVax also includes Folic acid and Vitamins B6, B12.

Customer Reviews - Does It Have Any Side Effects?

TestroVax official website does not mention the possibility of experiencing any side effects, however, many users of this product have reported of quite unpleasant adverse reactions associated with the use of this supplement. Their severity depends on the individual tolerance of its ingredients. TestroVax increases the risk of having sleeplessness, nay cause tremors, nervousness, dizziness, heart palpitations and headache. It is advised to avoid using the supplement if you have any chronic medical condition, such as cardiac arrhythmia, high or low blood pressure, stroke, liver, heart, or thyroid disease, depression, anxiety, seizure disorder, diabetes, psychiatric disease, pernicious anemia, or prostate enlargement. Do not take TestroVax if you are taking an MAO inhibitor or any other medication on a regular basis.

The official website, Novex Biotech, contains one-sided reviews all of which are positive. That is why it would be more objective to look for users' testimonials on other websites as well. Amazon is one of the most popular source for credible reviews. Here are some of these testimonials.

"I was very disappointed in TestroVax. This product did not make any change in my strength, gains and overall performance in training. Neither improved it my sexual life. Everything seems the same. I will not buy this product again"

"I started to notice lowering in testosterone levels several years ago. There were many positive reviews about Testrovax and I decided to try it but I was really upset to experience heart palpations with this product. I think it is not for me"

"I was waiting for Testro Vax to be delivered for two weeks. I was almost sure that I was deceived. I do not think that it was the problem with shipping. Presumably, they delayed sending of my order"

Where To Buy TestroVax?

TestroVax can be purchased on its main website and the GNC website or Walmart. A few other online retailers may also offer the product. The company sells one bottle (30-day supply) for $70, plus shipping.

My Final Summary

I am sure that TestroVax cannot completely solve the problem of low testosterone in your body. It has too many disadvantages. First of all, it is expensive - $70 for a one-month supply. Secondly, most of the ingredients in the supplement are not proven to boost testosterone levels. On the contrary, some of them have an ability to decrease testosterone levels in men. TestroVax is often associated with serious side effects and complications. Summing up, I will not recommend this product for increasing testosterone levels. It is advised to search a healthy and natural alternative to TestroVax.

Affordable Alternative

Many doctors consider that the problem can be well solved by another product known as Testogen. I completely agree with them because I study many products of the kind! I recommend you reading my review about Testogen. You'll be pleasantly surprised!