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Abdelhamid Aberkane

Abdelhamid Aberkane

Mayor of El Khroub and Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine of Constantine, Algeria

Abdelhamid Aberkane, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Constantine and, since 2012, President of the Municipal People's Assembly of the Khroub (Mayor) which includes several agglomerations totalling 500,000 inhabitants.

Head of the intensive care section of the CHU Benbadis hospital in Constantine, Pr Abdelhamid Aberkane was Minister of Health and Hospital Reform in Algeria from 2001 to 2003. Scientific Board Member of Destination Santé and head of the Algerian Associations for the fight against Cancer ("WAHA") and against the tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases.

Member of Parliament and a senator, he has chaired the National Algerian Council of Academic Ethics since 2005. A former President of the WHO Executive Council (1998), Minister of Higher Education (1988-1989), and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Constantine (1970-1974), he is one of the most renowned public health specialists. He has devoted himself for many years to intensive care, training and research. Trained in the biggest French hospitals, he took part in the reform of higher education in 1970 and 1971 which provided a powerful stimulant to Algerian universities. In 1985 he co-founded the Algerian Society of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Care (SAARSIU). In 1991 he founded the Algerian Journal of Medicine and set up the first “Town Health” Association in Algeria. This Town Health Association in Khroub organises community health and is involved in providing health information, education and communication. It has contributed to the establishment of the Khroub Community Health Centre, the only one of its kind to date in Algeria.